In my work, I know clearly, than the life and its problems in its entirety. But I believe the issue here exposed him to serve as a basis to build on its strategies to resolve whatever the problem. I want to make clear that the main objective of this book is not to teach how to solve the problems but how to avoid them. It is like a book of preventive medicine. Knowing that avoid the problem is easier than solving it after that it is rooted in life.
All our life is a mystery, and the path by which we full of surprises good and bad in some cases. I have full belief that God, who loved as children learn to live and cope with life as a great mathematical mind that needs a precise number. For this to be implemented to study it. I said a wise man. "But wise is the man who learns from the mistakes of others than learn through their own mistakes. Well that learns from the mistakes of others is free from the embarrassment of this. "
If your case is similar to that of some mention, examine it with full attention and try resolve it. Only then we will have a life full of victories and complete happiness. Remember: You want to be happy? Fight for your happiness. "And so God be with you and the targets are fully achieved. Practice your faith in that which is above all things, has convinced her and proceed with steps wide. Share with others their experiences and are aware that you are a winner and nothing can change this reality. God help us all to live a quiet and peaceful life in Christ Jesus for the glory of God. Amen
The message of AUTHOR
Beloved reader, I am pleased to finalize this work. Because it is not the result of a simple search, but a deep analysis of human attitudes the light of the Bible.
Presented for many years a radio program of great hearing entitled: praise that release, which was in its planning framework: you ask and I answer. Live, people were several questions, about 5 to 8 per night. These questions are consisted, mostly in biblical solutions to their problems.
Was thinking about biblical answers to these raiou that in my heart the light of the Holy Spirit in the form of ideas. Why not think of methods to avoid problems rather than try to fix them after their existence? It is easier to avoid evil than resolve it after implant that is in our lives. I went to observe and analyze every stage of my life and the problems coming. Find the gaps that embarrassment used as doors.
This book is the fruit of many years of prayer, Bible reading and analysis. It has a part that has a dream, there is no derivation of other books, but: it is a message from God for his life. What do you look for examples in this book and it has generated maturity and wisdom, thereby producing a better and healthy Christian life. If you got any questions for sure read again and everything is settled. That the Holy Peace of God be in our hearts today and always! Amen