pr. joilson of assistance
This last topic seems a paradox to the message of some preachers who cry aloud to the people at large calling them to Christ, saying that this attitude will definitely end up with all their problems. But can we associate the coming of that sinful man can forgive him that a life without suffering and always thriving one? Once someone is going to Christ and still poor and suffering in some way is declared as unbelievers, weak in faith or something. No I mean that all employers who make this message to your main message, is fully wrong. But all that far away from the will of God.
Here are some examples: If a disease is close to our family, then comes the concern about the danger. If I lose jobs, suffer, suffer if we lose a girlfriend, we are not made of iron and are not in the original state as Adam and Eve
We have faith with logic, not a living faith and lead our minds to believe, which is in my opinion, the fairy story. The fact not live in misery and suffering, not invalidate the fact that one day terms a problem. But why God allows problems if it specializes in resolving them? It is exactly what I will try answer the latter part of this chapter with its help.
I believe that is an example that can be as clear as the example of slavery, freedom and journey of Israel toward the promised land. The father of the nation of Israel was to him God gave Abraham the promise of a great generation, but there is a declaration of God that we should meditate deeply.
"Then he said to Abraham: Know of a pilgrimage that will be your seed on land that is not you and serve you and will afflict them four hundred years: But I believe the people, which will then leave with large farm. " GENESIS 15:13:14.
God it is the father of Israel and the people that He (God) is doing on earth come through the family of Abraham, will be a pilgrim and slave nation. be afflicted four hundred years later and the same God who allowed this fact come into play and the books, thereby punishing the oppressors. But because God that allowed this?
When Israel were slaves in Egypt four hundred years ago, God is a man named Moses and fugitive says: I have closely seen the affliction of my people, which is in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their exactor because they knew their pain Exodus 3:7. Following on from the statements of God to Moses promises the same lead them to a land that mana milk and honey, the promised land.
After mandar pests on the Egyptian people. God freed the Israelites and leading to the red sea. After a major scare the red sea is open and people go to the desert, is forty years on pilgrimage. Why this? Why God was not more direct and lead the people to the promised land, why so much delay?
After forty years of pilgrimage in the desert last longer in the direction of Israel Joshua vai promised to conquer the earth and has to face many enemies in war. But why so many problems, if God had given the promise?
If you look and all this history, will note that it is surrounded by problems and struggles. But in fact what was and what is the purpose of issues allowed by God. So many problems have had some purpose? Of course! God has created for its sovereignty in the character of its people.
WITNESS CONFIDENCE in God Almighty. Showing that fulfill their promises. It was for the people includes the faithfulness of the Lord is with "Sample", cause loyalty in the hearts.
LEAD PROCESSING - God decided to periodically change the attitudes of the people of Israel and this change starts within the same caused by a great demonstration of power.
Aimed to create security - security that God had a powerful and he was loved and very precious.
SHOW THAT GOD GUIDE ERA - The Holy tab seeking those who take the love and eternal happiness in a world achievement.
It is its people - I believe the main purpose of God in all this story was to become known for his people wanted to prove in the situations that emerged in slavery, liberation and crossing the Red Sea and the desert. We can cover all situations in Israel that the Lord God was rid of this danger, feeding it, so I like to repeat my words: and know that our God is the God that free, there is no situation with risk ? How do we know that our God is the God who supplies if there is no need? And so on.
Furthermore I believe that the exercise of faith in time of difficulty strengthens the individual's life with God. Every situation is that man and get the release of the Lord he is believe it in depth.
Take the heart of the people miss Egypt. Although slavery, suffering and humiliation. Israel still has miss Egypt and going to doubt the Lord and his prophet Moses.
NOW IN CONQUISTA the Lord wanted to show that regardless of the size and appearance he was an enemy of the people with his people and that it should stand firm and fight for blessing given. In winning what draws attention is the order of God to his people that a ride for seven days around Jericho the city to be conquered. On the seventh day, seven laps. It seemed something without logic, without any foundation. But in truth, the Lord wanted to bring the message that we must persevere in what we believe to be their willingness, even that seems illogical or absurd.
Register in the history of their people to action of its powerful hand - had the purpose of God in history to record your action. Thank God that these facts are recorded for our edification. The Lord sought to leave their marks in history and especially the hearts, as God's providence. Such facts and was part of the plan of God to separate a people only for their exclusive use. A people with history, with commandments, as it was in the desert that the people of Israel received the law, a faith that made historic historical facts and holiness.
As the problems permitted by God to Israel and served formation of his character, for us is no different. God allows problems to bring revelation and providence in your life. Therefore there is no victory without battle, no problem no solution. God more than ever has used the problems to change the character of people. Even so far away that it through their word. I say that Moses only had a deep contact with God because of a problem for Him I allowed you to realize that the problems and difficulties in life act of man, producing the same great desire to get God's help and discover what is wrong in your life. We associate the problems that we talk in this book as part of the trials, some see signs that tell us about the trials:
Blessed the man who suffers temptation, because, if approved, will receive the crown of life., Which the Lord has promised those who love him TIAGO 1, 12.
And you have forgotten the exhortation that argument with you as sons: My son, despise not the correction of Lord and not to faint when he come reprimanded. For the Lord corrects the evil and the love that you receive any child. If supported the fix. God treats you as a child because that child is the father who did not correct? Hebrews 12:5.7.
"So you know the pious rid of temptation and to reserve the unjust ..." 11Pedro 2:9
"But you be sober in all suffer the afflictions, do the work an evangelist, fulfill your ministry" 11 Tm.4: 5
The truth is that our God in addition to problems; USA He proved the same as for those that follow. But he can not prove beyond our forces. "No temptation has about you, but human: but God is faithful that I will try above what you can, but with the temptation will also escape, so that you may incur" I color. 10:13.
Before exercising any charge or liability between us men, we need proof. Proof that this includes knowledge and search for the company's life and character of the man to be chosen to become future such positions. God is no different! Although he know all the things you need the character of human beings and their faith through a trial. This rule is also a biblical and true.
Know that before you receive any blessing from God for the same situations that will prove what you really want but the situations are allowed by God to prepare you for blessing come. And as a military training that prepares you to gain the desired target. God wants to train as a soldier of the King to perform his work among men. It can allow for this situation to train our belief, temptation to prove our faith, to prove a barrier for our perseverance.
When you realize that a fight to which you are allowed to fight is something for God, no murmur or try out the trial, go ahead and win this test note 10. Like that listed for the war. If you want to participate in the special God pilotão prepare to face evidence of greater intensity than people who just train as soldiers of God.
You must be absolutely certain that throughout the ordeal, God will make the final escape. None of these battles will defeat our army, because God is the supreme commander. The results are evidence of God's acceptance and interest in the same place in the best position in front of men. He is the one who praises and gives us the victory. For this reason the murmurações should not arise because it represents lack of faith that to meet all our needs. The truth is that God is with us and no one dare be against us, we are in fact more than winners in Christ who loves us. Nothing can stop God's plan in your life, use faith and walk towards the target of God to many steps. God is our refuge and strength the strength of our victory. Do not look at the situation, because the fair does not live it, not the apparent, but by faith in that which won for the winner make.