The Pr Evangelista Joilson Assis da Silva was born in Rio de Janeiro, has become in 1986. Since the 15 years was investigated as the architect of Mr Seara and even in adolescence was manager of three congregations where he started his ministerial experience. These days have kept in touch with pastors of some names in your town and around, also help in the realization of radio programs. Formed in the course of Theology and Missions Education ITESM. It is nice to support the mission UMEPA (Union Missionary evangelization of Paraíba). Works with more than 15 radio and 35 programs, fold in more than 200 churches of different denominations; working fully in the work of the Lord.
He was director of a program of great success in the State of Paraíba called Praise which releases already in the air for three radio stations. Was the creator of the 1st Meeting of PRESS EVAGÉLICOS of Paraíba, which met several authorities of the media paraibano. Also author of handouts and tapes of preaching. He works primarily in the states of Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco and Sao Paulo. Already held several evangelistic crusades and hundreds of lectures on various subjects. Helps many churches of the Interior and demand always work in vision interdenominacional