Abundance FOR GOD
theologian joilson of assistance
Be decimated is a great way to avoid problems, many ills, is to be a partner with God in his work. The tithe is not an obligation but a duty, not because we live under the law. Who does not decimate not lose the salvation and is not cursed. God does not punish leading to misery. As some say: If you do not give the tithe you will lose your job, health, structure, opportunities, etc.. None; The tithe is not to curse, but there is that to bless USA such faith. I am surprised with some preachers to frighten the people: If you will not decimate this or that. With words so I am really afraid of God even. You do not have this defect in his character. I give the tithe is not because God does not thus destroy my income, I leave in misery. This is not my God, not decimate it miserable. I give my tithe as proof of faith and detachment from material goods. Like our father Abraham gave the tithe to exist before the law, Jacob, etc.. as proof of their faith and detachment and were tremendously blessed I will be.
Tithe is ten percent of income we have. Do not give the tithe of the gross capital or the capital, but only for profit. The greedy man to God to show their poverty of spirit and mind with its offers of crumbs. But the good man will know that back with gratitude to the blessed. The tithe is not to cause fear but faith. If I do not give the tithe, God I destroy, I will NOT poverty. However, if the DER DÍSIMO Serei GRANDE ON EARTH, HOW WAS Blessed Abraham, Jacob and ALL who took such an attitude. Serei SOCIO OF GOD!
It is as if by car, if not give the tithe will continue at the same speed. God does not furará my tires, or merge my engine and not the bar in my direction will torada.
If I give tithe, the Spirit of faith and wisdom poisons the engine of my car (without reducing the time of my engine), and multiplies my petrol light ten times my headlamp. Strengthens my brakes increases the sharpness of my vision through my to breeze. And then, out of the medium. There are mysteries in the tithe.
The tithe was not to curse but to bless. The fear that by giving their tithes are fleeing the true biblical sense and hurting the God Almighty. You do not want you to do anything to him for fear, obligation, but for love and faith. Nor is this: I give tithe today, for the next month, I expect an increase of one hundred percent on my salary or on my sales. In the second month, I scratch a car, because I am the son of king. In the third month I want an income that is no longer obliged to work every day, and in a further three months of work preaching only live in places that need the word as London, New York, Paris, Tokyo and some Caribbean countries, the board of those "uncomfortable" transatlantic. This avoids all sense of what God wants us to do.
When we have the privilege of giving the tithe, we are heavily involved in regenerating and saving work of Christ Jesus, we are giving the same conditions to advance in their fight for the kingdom of God. The promises are real and blessing is guaranteed, because God is not man to mislead or fail to fulfill what it promised. The true sign that God and eternal covenant of faith that results in a stage of life full of blessings and achievements. We must learn to do things for love and not by the threat of pain. Be decimated is for God is abundant. Because in the beginning the church was well, until arriving to give all his property to the apostles, but it could rip the Bible in this part. We have to be rich for God with our pocket and not only with our empty words, but with the first of all our resources. But the petty do not understand this.
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