pr. joilson of assistance (click the item: older posts to turn the page)
We all know that a person may cause the happiness or unhappiness of someone. But seems clear that a good many of these people does not seek our happiness, but to themselves, for that ride roughshod over everything and everyone that has at its front. It is sad, but it is a great reality in the mind today. The Bible speaks something about this? The Bible is full of examples of men affected by the attitudes of others, and the cases presented by the scriptures are living examples for each of us, so that the same evils we achieve some cases:
Abel by Cain impaired when the same envy by the forest. It was the first murder us.
SARA was hit by the riot of his slave and humiliation imposed by it, when he had a son with her husband Abraham.
Jacob has a love for Rachel and she works for fourteen years. Was misled by his father-in-law Labai, persevered and gained the victory.
JOSÉ that was sold by his brothers separated from his father, stuck GN.37
MOISÉS was opposed by the orders of Pharaoh sent by God himself; the disbelief that the people of Israel suffered. The people before, during and after the work was very great leader Moses.
Profeta destroyed by Leon (not found records of the name of the prophet) - The prophet had a task to perform and can even take an order from God not to stop anywhere. An old prophet whose name is not the Bible, used the name Prophet and the Prophet did with it missionary in your home; disobeying God when it came out, a lion to eat.
Samson - A great man of God, the 13th Judge of Israel, which obtained enormous power when the Spirit of God moved him, was betrayed by a Philistine woman by name Dalila, who discovered and destroyed its strength, was imprisoned and enslaved by the Philistines.
the humiliation, the misery came on Samson in the name and form of a woman named Dalila.
It seems that many people were affected by others. Is this change? Is not there in our days more jealous betrayal, deception, harassment because of God's mission? Indeed the characters change but the script of the film remains the same. These cases the particular set of Joseph in Egypt the most profound and painful of all. Put it in his place and try to feel what our brother felt. The Bible does not report but for sure many tears rolled from his face before his victory.
Joseph was a beloved child by his father, suddenly the hatred and envy between the brothers of the same, that in a very dishonorable pain. Sold as a slave, going to Egypt and then with the help of God José thrives. Acquires respect and trust. It is the problems of our beloved brother seemed to have come to an end, but not here! Comes suddenly, like a trap of Satan's wife Potifar trying to seduce Joseph and convince him to sin. He could have had something with that woman, certainly no one would know and also it could commend their work to the husband. Our beloved brother refused to be betraying the trust of Allah and the owner of that house. The obedience of Joseph to his God appear to impair, the wife of slanderous Potifar eventually imprisoned.
It seems that everything begins again. But God was in prison with Joseph and the story continues until a triumphant victory over all his problems with the interpretation of the dream of Pharaoh. Set for the 2nd time a challenge to your imagination: it is put in his place and imagine their suffering. The blame for the suffering and misery of Joseph at the beginning of his story was worthy of death. But get your forgiveness and enjoy with him the benefits of his victory.
Joseph loved the whole story reported in the Holy Bible shows us that it is possible for someone who loves God drew a plan for your life, go through struggles and tribulations. Every story that we reported in a very succinct. It is as if we contemplássemos whole course of events of an aircraft, with many opportunities to understand the details. Today, José is included in the gallery of heroes of faith in Hebrews 11. But he will be won by their own strength? The suffering of Joseph represents the abandonment of God or lack of faith? The answer is NO! God had not abandoned even missing José faith and obedience in his life, God was with him, giving him prosperity in all things performed.
When we have faith nothing prevents our blessing and when Satan thinks will win our victory! Remember, when you trust in God and therein we all our faith in nothing and nobody more than us and you hate our evil working in opposition to our happiness, may actually hinder the purpose of God in us. Think me, if Joseph was not sold as a slave and nothing of what happened happened, it would be a simple José But, as he had the promise, God resolves perform his word in a different way in his life, to put it on Honor.
God allows in our life, in many cases, the appearance of tribulations, trouble through them so that our character and give us the blessing. Nobody is a post without a test before or even at school, only to spend years in submitting to a test. Would to God is different? What are the trials? They serve to prepare us for future blessing. So that when it comes to not underestimate, the value without knowing the play outside. Know that God does not give you a blessing until it is ready to receive it. We know that God is a being personal and all powerful, self sufficient which is "concerned" with their more fortunate than yourself. The difference between our God and others is that ours is alive and working for the happiness of those who place their faith in Him. Isaiah 64:4
There are many evils which can cause someone to another, including you. Have you ever stopped to think that you may have harmed someone someday? It is very sad when a person like that to you to USA and after that plays out like a plastic cup, with no value and not usefulness. Forget that this is has feelings, has a heart that can be hurt, that with great pain. This has already happened? Have some people who do not respect the feelings of others, and are not a bit worried about their words and attitudes that hurt gross.
Today, crowds go in for someone injured by the hit sentimental. A bad marriage is established, a divorce, or even the end of an engagement or dating. The evils that living in a sentimental or two may arise are incalculable and in some cases very complicated. Psychologists of the world are engaged in seeking solutions to thousands of people affected sentimentality. Such problems arise mostly by infiltration of the third relationship.
For more than a man is strong, active and determined in their hearts there is a very fragile. Anywhere in Brazil or the other side of the planet always has someone harming another. Suffering and tears are spilled every day. I say this not to make drama, but to show that all are subject to being hit by malice, or greed nescidez. At work the interaction with friends has brought huge problems for many people. On one hand, those who want to please their superiors and others to pass it over any of that in his opinion it is mixed, the other, find people who disagree with our way of being or not going with our dude. Not always the friend that every day knocking on our back is true. I do not know if you agree with me but just be a friend of "good morning and good night" is easy, but when everything comes together and all become.
The family is now an incubator of problems that take on a large scale. Problems between the pool, lack of confidence, unlove, difference of temperament, culture, gender etc.. The husband by his irresponsibility may make life a hell of his partner and his wife, the lack of respect followed closely by lack of forgiveness and commitment are actually a saltpeter as a curse that is the columns of the conjugal society and family. The family is the foundation of society and the practical implementation of any human being in the affection and companionship! Many forget that their are people who think combining view, analyze and draw their own conclusions like this happens or not.
The problems that are produced within the family can fit in the topic they are studying it: The problems caused by others. But can fit entirely in the next topic to be studied: The problems caused by our own mistakes. Therefore we must remember that our spouse is not a robot that follows you and me in a simple squeeze of a button. Know that it has an opinion about their attitudes. Answer me: What is the view that his wife has of him?
The children are a kind of photo inside the country or its hardheaded attitudes or wise. Vale only say that this picture is not apparent from the outside, but the intimate, living in the household, conjugal life, the little attention or if the family so. This can be changed by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ but this is a rule base. For this reason many children of evangelicals seem more unbalanced with respect and not fear God. Is the father gave a good example in your home? We know that in every rule has an exception, but that this effect is caused mostly by the issue reported.
The children are constantly observing the activities of the parents for all things. At work, in anger, in joy, peace, tribulation. When the child grows and is faced with situations that they found the father and resolve, certainly act with the same procedure of the Father or quite similar. If the father resolves its problems with violence, they, their children, also settle, and so on. Fear, brutality, nescidez, temperance, uncontrolled, disability and psychosis can be very easily transmitted to children, an example, and when the father is angry with his son calls a "bad language" when the child grows and has a problem with He will also call, I think that a child is a land where planted good seed or bad.
The solution would be problematic for a home the love and mutual respect among its components. Receives respect, who has! Respect the children and spouse, if not remove them, but treat them as beings that deserve our attention and consideration. While their marital happiness and family is a target much sought by Satan, Do not leave it destroy your life, fight for your happiness. If your husband drinks and is addicted to drink or any other addiction, struggle to help because he needs their help more than than his critics and abominations. Something to do, try to drop one that loves you. Another involves a woman, try to wake it this illusion does not allow anyone to destroy their happiness.
I repeat something I wrote in my 1st written work: In the name of Aviva: Why concern ourselves with both the choice and the relaxed conviviality. If your wife to despise, will not do anything go to the orgies of life: use your faith and the experience that is driving. Maybe she is not who is doing this with you, but Satan trying to destroy him or her you together. And even if the person is in effect, God has the power to transform it. You believe? If you believe God can perform a work in your favor does not do anything that God can undo this action. Do not look for a hasty decision but fight for their happiness, that even if your partner does not want: Fight to the GOD OF FORCES STAFF, WITH THE FAITH THAT CONQUERS THE PROBLEMS annulling the ill will and envy of others. No matter if the whole world is against you, it is that God is by your side to help you. Do not let anyone destroy the happiness of your home. Maltreatment of children is friends envy or ill will. Nor let your family influence your life, therefore, leave the man his father and his mother and his wife to join and be one flesh. NG.2: 4. Guesses in reviews may make life a hell for two. Do not let this thing happen.