JESUS crush the head of SERPETE BUT YOUR BODY still moving on the earth
PROBLEMS CAUSED BY THE ACTION of Satan and his angels
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Although many do not understand and do not worry, there is a reality that is invisible and spiritual world in full action at 24 hours. Angels and demons is hustle to make the will of their masters.
In this world there are two spiritual leaders: Satan commanding the angels in rebellion, that God commands through his son Jesus Christ on the action of the Holy Spirit. He Jesus, the demons and fear are also subject to its limits. These two armies that fight each other for a lifetime, are bounded to one of two wins by decision of a person to accept or not the sovereign will of God.
Satan comes to all, becomes a angel of light, false desires with the desires of the world, sex, money, fame etc.. all this to gain a person, this person may be you. In this battle, imprisons Satan lives, making them slaves of sin and full of problems and addictions. Some characters which the Bible describes: Esau, endemoniado gadareno, a boy whose name the Bible does not report, the demons played in the fire and water, so the psychic girl.
These beings of darkness are in continuous action to destroy your life. Have you stopped to think that may be observed by one. The prince of darkness control the world through lusts. Some titles that you already know: He is named as the prince of darkness, liar and the father of lies, ancient serpent, the tempter, as that walks the derredor lion looking for who can swallow. Thief whose function is to steal, kill and destroy; misleading. Such titles reveal his character. This being is the enemy of God, their purposes and they want to be happy. He destroys marriage, the purity of the young, peace at work, is opposed to fulfilling the divine purpose in life.
Actually none of us knows this is the darkness in its entirety, even know its strength. We know, yes, the word that it was and is defeated. The impostor's own evil does nothing beyond what it is allowed. The truth is that there are people defeated, oppressed, robbed because ignoring the strength of this or not care about your spiritual life. The invisible world is more real than we think and its influence on daily activity. I firmly believe that the visible world in some way is a photograph of the invisible.
God would be impossible without a fight of who is not even know. We have the power nor wisdom enough to combat it. Therefore, we have only one weapon: The Mercy of God. What we advocate is more than a sword to attack them. "Resist the devil and he flee from you"! Be sure that many attitudes sudden that someone may have owned it but the action of these beings of evil. He rejects the woman, the child falls into drugs etc. This shows an invisible action. The advisory of evil is loose to deceive the people and create a "new mentality" that really has nothing new, but the men leading the opposition of the purposes of God. Jesus is Lord of the entire universe and who just follows the action will secure malignant. The Lord does not prevent the enemy offers its offerings and not to prevent you accepted. I say that not everything that Satan offers is bad. Can be a great gift in life but at the end of everything as it is? The error is in the superficial mentality of people who think its future spiritual end, which say the man gain the whole world and lose his soul. The truth is that most are not concerned with the spirit, but only with the apparent and it is soon as a fire of straw.
Remember that Satan and his angels CAN NOT WITH genuine faith of a Christian.
The Faith acts like a big button that triggers an unlimited power: God and his purpose. Nobody can with them, just believe. If one day we were hit by the strength of the evil black the blame is entirely ours. Because in some neglect their faith in God and did little if the enemy. Do not play with evil, and he does not play, do not neglect the enemy is not prepared to face. Believe it is the responsibility of God and know that He is in control of everything and nothing to divert his eternal plan, not to be, our own choice. Our God is not a virtue, but a person in full activity for your property.
From the beginning the enemy raises men, destroy kingdoms, causing war and makes tears to many eyes spurt. Today he has not stopped! But what to do? Give yourself entirely to God trusting in his eternal plan through Jesus Christ. Knowing that he gave us the power to destroy strongholds of darkness and their works. So why fear? We have the same moves against him flee from us. If you contemplate the world with eyes washed with drops of faith, when people notice, crowds go blindly following several factions religious, mystical, that does not have anything with the word of God that does not lead to anywhere. Leaving people in an infinite void.
It is the Church of Jesus Christ to the world announcing that the solution comes from above. The antidote to the poison of the old Serpent. The voice of the Church must reach those who are without hope, without peace. We believe what we preach. If the Bible says Jesus healing and our healing prayer on their behalf too, we must believe. What message has the effect on other lives have to make effect on us. A social gospel where people are already accustomed to living without seeking the coating of the high and proclaim the message of liberation for the captive lives, I believe that a gospel thus already lost its purpose. For the Church there? To become a society in the 21st century philosophy? No! The church is the meeting of the regenerated by the grace of Christ who have the primary function of generating other regenerated by preaching the gospel and win the power of Satan in the lives, thus leading to release.
If the church does not believe in healing, release, processing etc, who will believe? I'm not talking about extremes, but of our own function. Church that saves history, precepts ... but that does not have the move of the Spirit of God becomes a museum that keeps history and things like that but in itself is not life. Does our preaching is intended to release those who hear us or bajulações only? Jesus remains the same man is being converted every day. His word still alive and able to ensure against any problems caused by Satan, both in ourselves and those around us. And if we believe this and can start to attack Satan and his plans, releasing, healing and bringing a message of divine assistance, we are not doing anything too much because this is our job! Learn that we were chosen to make opposition to Satan, remember that in many cases not the fault of people this, but Satan is the oppression that leads to it. Once our attack should not focus on the effects, but the question. Actually we do not often attack people with so many rocks and we forget that these people are nothing more than to attack the beings enslaved Mal
The prince of evil creates situations where he can work freely. Such situations involve people in particular, families, businesses, groups looking to take them out of the eternal purpose of God. The reality is that the gates of hell can not the church. But what this actually means? The doors did not attack anyone! Jesus meant for Peter that his attack, which represented the church would not be prevented by the "Gates of Hell" that is, the enemy has no power to stop the attack of the Church. We have the power to knock the doors of hell, leaving it with earth. So what fear? We should not fear when we are ready to attack the forces of darkness.
There are many brothers who live resisting the action Satanic. But until when? It's like a fighter to box only if it defends. It can withstand up to some time but until when? Who does not attack is attacked, surrounded, made the enemy target. If weakening the enemy forces attack and create fear in them. Remember, you are not weak. The strength of God is in you to destroy the darkness!
Persecution SPIRITUAL
THESE believing in a God or God is a VARIOS BE EVIL THAT conspires against human happiness.
seeing these people realize that the belief of them was so great that many rituals were the full days to espulsar evil. their healers there to expel evil and all people are protected as it could. belief in the existence of evil is a universal belief and was born with the human being from their older days.
The Useless things in the universe is evil. Some spend Terrible BY MALES AS NO OTHER PASSAM BY AND HAVE SOME EVIL, or can the same privilege than that which can pass through so much damage. SOME FEAR OF GOD IS MORE THAN THE DEVIL but our opponent is Satan and not God the Almighty and kind. LIFE IN A SPECIES of conspiracy Satan to DESENQUILIBRAR CAUSED BY MAN AND make you unhappy. THE BIBLE HAS THE MINISTRY OF EVIL IN THE WORLD TO OPERA, TRAMA, seducing men to err POIS LAW AGAINST THEM KNOW WHAT TIME OF ERROR NO MAN will be punished by the laws of existence that are autonomous. Compl EXIST, Invisible PLANS TO MAKE THE MAN OF CAIR their balance. Astute Ciladas THE DEVIL IS IN THE MANY PLACES TO EARNING AND THEFT OF A MAN PEACE AND HAPPINESS.
The Useless things in the universe is evil. Some spend Terrible AS OTHER MALES BY can not go MAL ANY AND MET, or can the same privilege than that which can pass through so much damage. SOME FEAR OF GOD IS MORE THAN THE DEVIL but our opponent is Satan and not God the Almighty and kind. LIFE IN A SPECIES of conspiracy Satan to DESENQUILIBRAR CAUSED BY MAN AND make you unhappy. THE BIBLE HAS THE MINISTRY OF EVIL IN THE WORLD TO OPERA, TRAMA, seducing men to err POIS LAW AGAINST THEM KNOW WHAT TIME OF ERROR NO MAN will be punished by the laws of existence that are autonomous. Compl EXIST, Invisible PLANS TO MAKE THE MAN OF CAIR their balance. Astute Ciladas THE DEVIL IS IN THE MANY PLACES TO EARNING AND THEFT OF A MAN PEACE AND HAPPINESS.
They are fallen angels who fell in the rebellion of lucefe. They lived with God and in light of the theories but lucefe talk to evil and thus founded the ministry of evil. Are deformed because of distance from God, this deformation extends to their character and their bodies that come into an angelic lentra human due to lack of maintenance they receive from Deus.Na land there is only one of these fallen angels as the biblical rationale the greatness of God and its many hosts leads us to believe that a third of the angels of heaven, the number that fell, not fall on our little planet Earth.
These fallen beings need to act, for portals to act in this world, something that will promote to the whole of the law autonoma universo.Esta society is grandfe and very well organized and hierarchies between it and rulers. The profit is just one of the execussão evil and the portal of entry of these beings in this world is the human heart because it is the portals of life. The nature of human beings who also fell, at times, is the main ally of demons that are attracted by feelings of ill feelings natureza.Os attract sentimental beings of equal frequency, so a person with hatred attract beings that have hatred inside of you . As said all cultures of the world believed in the existence of both good and evil when the train with these beliefs.
The adversary as the Bible says showing the nature, aim through his hatred steal, kill and destroy because men benefit from this. despite the great rivalry that exists in the hearts of the beings he still agreements with the men to an end. There are rare occasions that the men are joined to Satan to destroy his próximo.Tais agreements are possible because the free will and there is always a demonstration of alliance between them which are called oferendas.Estas offerings aimed at the union the responsibility of the two in a plan and seek the fulfillment of a law without which the action would not be possible in this world. Remember that these beings came to this world only after the error of Adam and Eve that fulfilled the desire of the former serpetente. After that evil had access to this land and its creatures. The nature of the land has changed since tamb'em after the error started to produce thorns and card.
How to win Demons
One of the best way to overcome these terrible beings is not involving them, not giving the possible legality of these actions in your life, avoiding bad feelings in your heart and in the midst of a danger claim the name of the second Adam who is called Jesus Christ . The name of Jesus has power poisrepresenta the complete defeat of the evil beasts.