Site Meter how to avoid problems-book joilson de Assis, VIRTUAL LIBRARY BRAZIL: SOME PRECAUTIONS TO not being achieved by other persons - CARE

Sunday, April 26, 2009

SOME PRECAUTIONS TO not being achieved by other persons - CARE

como é bom estar de bem com a vida!

SOME PRECAUTIONS TO not being achieved by other persons - CARE
pr. joilson assistance
orkut: joilson.assis10 @


I started telling everyone that because of someone talking about us every day in welcoming does not mean that this person is someone we should trust. Remember: What human being has the character of its original meaning deformed. God did not make the man well, but what can we do? We must prevent and close all loopholes for the weakness of one is in harm. Being cautious will not harm anyone and especially you. What affect is trust in someone other then this person to disappoint us and disappoint others who trust in us.
The interaction with other people should not lead us to intimacy in terms of secrets. You tell your secrets to a close friend "but who will ensure that he keep? Every close friend has another close friend and soon so many "close friends will know. Today the person to whom you told your friend your secret is pretty, and tomorrow, will continue this friendship? If not, what will happen to their convenience and intimacy? I am not trying to create distrust and insecurity, but caution in everything we do or say.
I bring you the reality of our days and how people are in fact. I get worried when someone's house and listen: Keep the Will. But my concern is not to be the will or not, my concern is if the householder is happy to receive me.


Monitor every word that we say is not a requirement for anyone, but a great need. All that talk can be a day used to hurt us. Although the intention of those words were not what it was stated by others. Actually we are very unreliable in the area of speech and then we forget that our friend today may become our enemy tomorrow. We declare for neophyte when someone supposedly our friend our projects and future strategies; Who will guarantee that even here some time? Nobody.
But I do not want to say that everyone should be introverts, quiet and suspicious. I bring to you the reality of our humanity that is deformed in its character. Even those who are regenerated have in them a character that is in transformation and in some cases store waste from the past. There are people who expect to hear conversations, gossip to confirm what is truly in your heart. It is not strange that immediately believe, because in fact, just waiting something to confirm what his heart wanted to hear. Because many think the ability that they have to do something.

3 - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PASS FOR OTHER closer their demands and dreams.

Unless this person is in total confidence. Remember, there are people who will remain your friend if you are not known at the same depth. When you know him best person will waive or confuse friendship with vice or something. Once the connection disappears and it is just spoiled the friendship.

4 - NOT YOUR Praise high at the sky A PERSON AND DO NOT THE LOWER TO HELL.

Praise is good but is like salt in the soup, too much damage. Do not underestimate anyone or doubt of their capacity for more than apparent that he is unable and unwise. God can raise him and his words fall to the ground.

5 - Beware of MANY EXALTAÇÕS.

And do not let him take those too flatter, "spit in your mouth you kiss, caress the hand that is the same stone" have their normal attitudes without seeking personal fame or praise because it is all illusion passenger. Do what God wants and not worry if someone supports or not. The important thing is God, because the same support as well. The support may be of some personal interests.

6 - AN ERROR IN THAT COMET MANY CASIÕES and transmit to others a negative OUR.

You must remember that your life belongs only to him and that is not the worst life and even the best, that in every way. Realize that your problems are not so difficult to trust Jesus as their patience with him and pesares wait. The biggest mistake is thinking that our problems have no solution. Why Jesus is not insoluble.
Seek Jesus in its full implementation and not in people, systems or something. Their happiness has a key column: you. Their decisions, faith and perseverance can change a whole situation. God in Christ Jesus to act in their favor but the same respect their decisions and they may hold the attitude of God in their favor.

7 - an enemy that is BETTER THAN A FRIEND WITH envy and ill will:
careful with these people because you do not imagine that such evil can produce. Remember: if someone speaks ill of the other life for you, this person can speak of his as well. I am not referring to comments and advice etc. But those who noticed that the guy is michiriqueiros.
Since there is much distortion and we can not fix the world, even if people, most would not accept. Since we can not do this. We will not allow the estimation of deformation of the reach someone. Who wants to be fuxiqueiro is! Who wants to continue with their deformations continue. But the doors that can close to prevent such evils reach me, close. And those who remain negligent in this area suffer many losses.
Treat the people you see are with deformations of the type mentioned above as patients in need of prayer, but that his illness gives us a certain danger and that we must be careful to reach.

8 - learn to say NO.

In all situations of life, from home to work and friend, said not indispensable. Review the proposals, not to accept it by saying no, even if someone does not like when the plan goes wrong. Another example: If someone asks for something you can not borrow and lend, but do not want to hurt anybody because it lends one, two, three ... and after a while says no, it will hurt even if you say so many times. If the rule is thus the best loan is not the first time since the individual will end with resentment.
Do not let anyone take advantage of their kindness is to learn to say no and be more happy. How many suffer because they want to please other people and end the advantage of the situation. Deny if to deny, say yes, but very carefully, as there is in our midst many used. The person who knows not deny is naive, because not yet realized the problems that others can produce with his consent in his life. Confess in some situations, even though we suffer it is difficult to say no, but the other when we are in these situations and we ask them for something, do not think much to deny us even that does not harm anything, just represents a small effort. Say no when necessary and be happier.


"But the food is solid for the perfect, which, because of habit, the senses are exercised to discern the good and evil" Hebrews 5:14.
"And the other wonders of the operation: the prophecy and another, and another the gift of discerning the spirits, and other variety of language ..." I Corinthians 12:10
Discernment and the ability to understand the intentions of the heart and the interpretation of things difficult. We do not know the intentions of those who seek a rapprochement. This is where the discernment age, showing the true intention is the cause of action, words or even of spiritual events. Everyone has encountered problems in which the question "Where is God or not" originated. A new job, marriage, a position in the church, travel, a partner at work ... Are situations where danger is out of place, but a promise of great success. What to do when life gives us many ways? When a prophet comes with a prophecy and questions arise? We must ask God for discernment of situations in the future will not suffer! Therefore a decision can lead us out of the will of God and this is the worst thing. Well the best place is to be the CENTER OF THE WILL OF GOD. Where there are accomplishments because, outside of this is only suffering and neglect.
We need wisdom to know the people and true friends. The knowledge from God to realize the malignancy of a situation is an ability that comes from heaven is not based on human rules. But a gift divine protection for those who love him. It can manifest in the reading of the word, when we find difficult to interpret a verse in the purchase of a car in the school with his girlfriend, friends, relatives, groups, doctrines, situations and words. If you stop and remember, you will see that lack of discernment by many afflictions to survivor. These attributes describe what it is not speculation, about people or situations, it is not a pre-trial, but a touch of God saying, "Son be careful ..." It is the discernment that prevents us from following the our momentum by emotion, but makes us realize that something is wrong.
The danger may present itself via a good person, smart and friendly. You can even live with us for some time, comes a day that it is turns into a huge trap. It is the wisdom we will show the real intentions. Do not trust in man, there always with reservations, because you love someone today, tomorrow you can hate him. Find lost friends and treasures to create your own living, healthy and reliable. Do not leave any gap for anyone to take advantage of the situation and not make friends with people known or suspected. Consider the circle of friendship and see who it is, because there people who offer us danger. When friends, we act freely, without reservation as they keep malice with words, attitudes that may harm the future, even if it is not anything else. So the comments that appear unreasonable, gossip etc.
God create in our hearts the wisdom, the training that comes from the top to know the intentions of the human heart or any blight. Because without this training will be at the mercy of fate and the ill will of others, we can exclude people who want to bring our good and the fake friends. What I really mean is that regardless of our efforts to avoid problems and understand men do not advance in some moments, but we have the spiritual discernment. God enlightens us with the light of his Spirit, to understand the times and intentions for our life is more healthy and happy.

10 - DO EVERYTHING document is saved receipts EVER PURCHASED.

By doing this you will defend himself in a bad situation. Do not sign anything before you think about it and requires that you document everything important. If the person you this is a faithful and decent person does not refuse to sign a paper. I say this because I saw many problems and the dilemmas that arise that prevent a simple document signed. And brother, that it does not require the trust assets and commitments. Example: Money borrowed without promissory note, without venda deliver documents and even donation of land home temples etc. Because some day the donor can repent and ask what is his by right even if you have some benefit.
When do we have any financial transaction in mind that when the money is all and everything becomes. Atoa is not what the Bible says the love of money is the root of all evil I Tm. 6:10. Friends, friends, brothers, sisters, but business as well. There should be, but the times requires us to this because the days are evil. Whoever thinks otherwise continue to act as normally thought. That lead to the side of the "Holiness" and "love" soon, I believe, will have a big disappointment. Do not be careless, have an adult attitude, which makes the reasoning a weapon against the problems and embarrassment. I know that a promissory note will not make anyone pay the debt, but proof that he is liable. Be wise and be prosperous.


12 - Learn to value your things: time and time have an incalculable value.


The work of God and work in general should be in the background. Well, the main work of the Lord begins in the family.

We must generate repugnação total, because there for a while, the situation is different, and everything will change. And when your father or your mother since you will notice that their benefits were higher than the errors.
15-make everything very CLARO.revise where its borders, seeking always the rock, is a person defined. when the benefit is less than the risk, should not continue. learn to live with the differences because we have always and identify if there is a hereditary curse to break.

16-THE NEED CAN BE AN INCENTIVE TO ERROR, THE PROBLEM. Should be careful NOT NEED A NOSEXPORMOS because if we do be running RISKS amazing. exposção the need to corrupt man can dominate it completely. needs are attached in the law that since the day we came to this world and learn to deal with these forces is an act of great wisdom. needs can corrupt the soul, is why the bibliadizque man must not separate from its espçosa for a long time for the devil does not try the inconstancy of his heart. if someone thinks it is wrong totalmenteespiritual because nobody in this world is spiritual enough to slow in its entirety to your needs whether that is. for a while but the needs are so appealing and try to impose its limits. Do not expose the need and not let anyone exposed to it you can meet. close all loopholes for the evil not try through our inconstancy

17 - look healthy environments, avoid environments disordered patients and groups. when part of a group to explain our nature to that which can be tremendously affected.

18 - all questions must keep, guard your heart because it is found the portals of life. keep your feelings do not expose the dangerous situations, situations of strong emotions. keep your heart and save your life disturbance. look healthy and feeling happy environments, avoid crazy environments of discord and stress disnecessarios.

19 - be careful to study the situation and see all points. investigate if there is doubt look. avoid being instinctive in decisions, is to balance.

20 - the need is the enemy of the friendship. independence and to seek friendship and partnership deals in love. if there is dependence between their friendships are not back to them as the spoils need best friends. is not a subject but a cooperator of their friends. walk with their legs and arms do not trust the outside as on the precision may be unavailable.

21-train your instincts and use this to the Bible, the qualities of friends and acquaintances. that always try to change the other and we forget to look at ourselves and change? Are we perfect? if not I change the world, change myself, change my world. treineseus instincts and always make another one look.

22-revisesempre its walls. take a look all morning, all for use criteria, rules and limits.

23 - is smooth, avoiding fanaticism whatever. all other is poison. excessive holiness, religious fanaticism or grupista always causes damage. examination the cultures and see the good and bad points.

24 - avoid exposing their faults and fragildades to seusamigos. always retains the intimate forum. does not lead people to surround you and your innermost intentions. learn to say and what to allow.

25 - caring for the religious views of immature and insane. reliugião to the times in his paintings is real crazy. it uses the name of God to make their madness to all men. some religious are inconsistent, and preach their cultures and personal thoughts and not the word of God. I remember that 20 years ago many preachers launched their crazy doctrines that were considered holy. Today 20 years have passed they changed completely. some forbade the tv the other tv and radio but today they all have. GOD MOVED OR NUMCA REQUESTED ISTO.pregaram their personal cultures adapted the word of God their conviniencias. forbade any of his followers shave the hair of the legs that it was now all sin and scrape? God changed? no. in fact was never sin. these examples serve to you see that some religious faiths are dangerous and therefore pose a great burden on the backs of others who themselves do not take. place an unnecessary burden on the back of his followers. it does not follow anyone and anything with my eyes closed because many injuries they have done in the name of God. care interventions for mad immature name in christ or something. see that the pastor, priest, priest etc. men are limited in everything even in their thoughts, this is the possibility of errors and the percentage is very high. we should orintar with our spiritual guides, but with caution. remember that Jesus called the Jewish priests and scribes of blind guides. this reality has not changed.
26 - you have a big challenge in life: at least manage their own lives. ask God for wisdom and that He will.

27 - if any error in your life look so agreed. do not let despair take care of your life because of an error. you to be perfect? will achieve this matafisica farsanha? do not let anyone limit you by getting past mistakes, failures, drift, would not be limited by ipocritas that soon forget to always remember their mistakes and failures of others. did not acknowledge what we are today in the quiet and peace of cristo.não go redeemed by the wave of ipocritas on duty.

28 - take great care with incoerencia.não have two weights and two measures. Jesus said the Pharisees COAV a gnat and swallowing a camel, were ipocritas.alguns act severely on some things and relacham tremendously in other situations even more important.

29 - do not pass information to third parties. you passed information becomes father of information that passes is responsible for what he said. care many died to pass on information that was very damaged and anger over it. with some reason that evil aconteceu.pra talk, which will be useful information to fall? are questions we should always do.

30 - legalizes all your actions, always look legalize their actions. Iligalidade legalises the use of the law for someone to affect it. the illegality has no foundation, is firm because we live in a world full of laws. laws exist in all dimensions.

31 - remember that you judge you are of your own life. care with their own judgments.

32 - look for victory that lasts a lifetime. Stock evacuate unnecessary and fruitless.

33-look for a healthy circle of friends who influence you positively.

34 - there is nobody quite good, quite bad, wise or totally totally stupid. this is who does the reaction. then our attention should focus on situations in the world because there is nobody there so strong, those who know neither escapam.não ourselves because in certain situations and know our reactions ficamossurpresos with everything we do or fail to do. within the man is their instincts and they many not conhecido.evite he is totally evil, avoid the bad situations.

35 - to be our life as our brihantes ideas! as would be wonderful. but is the nature with its many internal instincts and change everything we think. the ideas say one thing but the instincts say otherwise. that confusion! this you should consider the nature of the people but their ideas of what it is the nature of them that define the majority of their atos.peça the DESCERNIMENTO God and he will help you people to know that their behavior is as kind to you surround. if the person is kind of frantic, desbocada you will not tell your secret and not to these plans? so with God's help avoid evil.

36 - manage their qualities and faults because we all have these features. isolate the problems, not allow them to spread and affect other areas of your life. isolate areas of your life does not mix the issues of them and treat each thing individually. attack the basic problems as the fire and not the blaze. admit their mistakes just to those who recognize their skills and their own. avoid silly conversations that do not lead to anything, dealing with the individual's area of the problem. start evil in the bud and not allow him cresça.procure localiser problems before they arise because then the difficulty of growing up off it is very large. but if it is of great size is brave face it, is not acuado in adverse situations, react, ecoragem faith are noble attributes that the principles demonstrated.

37 - VERY CAREFULLY WITH EVERLASTING VICTIMS. They seek villains to feel victims, Coitadinha. Said product when not finding a villain and it may be YOU.

38-Participate in a group but does not depend on it. as a burst of a group can boiada the earthquake suddenly with anyone.

39 - is not fooled by the beauty, it can hide a dangerous beast.

40 - do not expect a lot of friends because everyone has their priorities and conveniences. remember this, partnership is not dependence.

41-a caution is the prerequisite of champions. the nerve is not auxencia of caution but the administration of it.

42 --
Who can hate love very much, who can criticize praises very much. existence in the sentiments using the same portal and for this reason the times are presented with the same intensity.


43fuja of depencia, need to depend on someone is one thing is another.

44 - does not enter into unequal yoke that needs much explanation

45-Avoid jumping to head in any situation. analyze the environment where you are and the environment that you will get. the care is something that the Bible teaches and exalts more .. always look at all the rock sentidos.firmes feet before the next steps.

45 - look to be attentive to all not to be caught unnoticed. pay attention and not be a sleeper who sleeps as much misery in the wake.

46 - look for qualifications and close all loopholes that you accuse someone, or humiliate desqualifique.

47-love intensely but not the gift passado.quem it relates to the past loses futuro.o past is good but should be in the trunk and occasionally look a pouquimho. the past should not be in front because we divert our future.

48 --
search is recycled every day, see their ideas concepts, how to see, everything can be improved. This will give us an incredible structure. aperfeiçoação to be the target of those who want to avoid problems.
happiness is everything

do not give up to be happy

48-do not give up to be happy in any way because the main goal in life is be happy and very happy. but some want to prevent the felidadeda of people because they are not happy. but we must accept and always remember that happiness is a journey, not a happy destino.seja!

49-ask God for discernment of spirits known to each of you about. God offers this gift in the Bible to any of the heart to ask, but ask God for wisdom of mind to know with whom Esar dealing.

50-remember that the greatest enemies of a man were his former companions or Maïga. This is terrible but just watch out for this sad reality but sometimes the worst enemies of a person are their friends.
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