pr. joilson of assistance
Indeed many are the targets sought by everyone. Financial targets, ministerial, emotional, family, etc.. Many of these targets aim to supplement or make us feel important within the companies involved. There is no error here! The error is when desperate, we achieve them without feeling the confirmation of God for this. Our targets should remember that Jesus is still Lord of our lives. When you forget the fact that the destination is certain: the suffering. Problems arise when we find our cumber in front or if not achieved the desired success, then tried to put the blame on God, in situations and in our attitudes, finally, pushed all directions.
It seems that many people like boys puppy that force their parents to buy sweets, toys ... and a myriad of other things. Not to worry though, with the evils that may arise with your applications. The truth is that in many situations not put Jesus as Lord of our life. From a misconception that God is a robot driven by our will or personal whims. I say this to everyone, regardless of their religion, and especially to me. When we do so, commit a sin against the personality of God, as canceled. Our God is an impersonal force; Our God is a person! This means it has a mind. Respect the will of God as God fulfills his. Doing so our target will be full of success.
Jesus prayed to the Father, but did not find any in his prayer "statement" or imposition of their will to God, but "... His will be done, so on earth or in heaven "Mt 6-10. The truth is that many times we pray "My will be done." And in many cases not even pray, act on our own. God knows our past and future. He see the high for this reason you see more! He knows what is best for your life.
We must go in search of the success of our target within the will of God, but without this awakened sense of despair or "You have to happen." Struggle to achieve its target based on the divine mercy, but persevering and knowing that God is in control of all things. Two biblical examples:
Ana I Samuel 1:1
Ana was sterile and eagerly sought to have a child. In its time, the woman who had children was seen as "despised of God and her husband could repudiate it at any time. It was a great shame for Ana she was seeking the right person in the right place. Cried, tried using the prophet and God, granted him a son who put the name of Samuel. Ana has a big problem, but. God granted him the victory.
Jacob, Genesis (29:30,31)
Jacob loved Rachel and she accepted work seven years, we could call a dowry, that men, paid for the work of the father to marry his daughter. He worked seven years approximately 2,555 days. When you receive your "prize" as the bride was hidden by veils and cloths were deceived by the father-in-law who sent his sister. Lia who was older and sick eyes. The in-law of Jacob the wrong!
Our beloved patriarch, when I was young had the quality of Champions: The perseverance. Although wrong with a woman patient and old Raquel continued working to achieve his great love. The in-law of Jacob is presented as a great villain and requires seven years of work. The same was accepted and the end of that period, that God began to take the wealth of in-law of Jacob and go for it. The perseverance of the future husband of Rachel brought victory for them and us a great example of perseverance and faith prosperity. The life of Jacob for many seems simple, but Jaco has worked for 14 years to get a loved one, was not so easy.
I firmly believe that the secret of victory is the trust in God and perseverance. Who believe Muhammad, who believe not bicker and becomes inconsistent. We have strength of thought, belief and what we really want to do a complete analysis of what we aspire to. Vale only say that while Jaco was trying to win Rachel, God was in the process of conquest of Jacob, which had its heyday in the valley of Jaboque. There are targets that make us suffer, cry, but if there is love and we are sure that God is in this business, is only fighting. In fact life is made up of many different types of target and many were frustrated when they can not and others with fear of defeat even struggle to achieve its target. It is better to achieve the desired future than the past and do not try to note that beyond this, is that doubt: Is it that I had trying to get?. In an attempt should always be reservations in the heart, because we do not know if some will. Never throw the last letter as an idea that is the same as a whole spend U.S. gasoline reserve, and there is missing in the middle of the dark path?
In the area of marriage before it, never bet anything, because absolutely nobody will marry you. Do not force the bar, there is normally. But do not forget, is only fighting for true love and Jacob realized this. Living happily with the love or love to be a principle of life, are you married only to play, to leave the house etc. Being happy should be our primary focus! You must meet the desire of your heart in Christ Jesus.
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