Health is greatest asset that man has in life, unfortunately SOME BETTER CARE OF THE CAR, THE PRODUCTS THAT USE OF THAT OF YOUR They main vehicle: the body. In his car he uses casolina aditivada and better oil but the workshop will come in the sale and that any mess is there. is incredible, right?
made of his body the sacred sanctuary, keep it clean and well supplied with ETTER you can give him. is harmonic use of various foods to stay and do not use anything in your body that you suspicious that causes some evil.
01 - eat enough fruit and succulent frecas.
02 - Avoid excessive food in salt and sugar. or some perceived, but spend years drinking coffee and juice super sugary utrapassando the law of your food organismo.a them super salted out their grandulas.
03 - mainly to take vitamins A, C, and they equate the body's resistance to bacteria, fungi, worms that are extremely harmful to health.
04 - avoid exageiros it brings all exageiro damage.
05 - avoid the inconsistency in food, some drink cocacola not because of the stomach but will drink rum.
06 - Avoid foods with chemical concervados.
07 - Avoid foods industrializadios.
08 - avoid mass and fat.
09 - Avoid foods of dubious origins, poorly kept, with no guarantee of hygiene.
10 - be careful in their diet and see what you're eating, give the attention.
11 - think about whether your body is your car, how you treat? which the feeding and care you give to him?
12 - remember that God has several pages of the Bible to feed, banned it, allowed it. there is a concern of God with your health!
13 - sleep well the lack of sleep causes many problems, from simple esquisofrenias of the diabetes and other degenerative diseases. sleep well and eat little sleep.
14 - Ritimo to see your life and not lose time for lunch and dinner, make a coffee enhanced with plenty of fruit.
15 - costing up to good laughs and smiles of events that happens in your life. the tension and nervousness terrible evils have always provided on the body.
16 - see the limits of your body and not exaggerating, utrapassar be wise and avoid the limits of your body.
17 - DO NOT FORGET TO TAKE THE SUN extensively, as the sun Benef REACTIONS PRODUCED IN U.S. WITH ENCENTIVO FOR THE PRODUCTION OF WHAT IS VATAMINA K ANTIFRAMATÓRIA. The light from the sun is extremely beneficial and necessary to achieve a harmonious health.